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Skating - Princess Jazz

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Sunday, April 02, 2006


I met up with that Australian guy again today. He had never been ice skating and really wanted to try it. I lent him Todd's skates and we bussed it all the out to Orleans to their arena. It was quite amusing to watch someone who had never skated before. He had never even worn a pair of skates, or roller blades or anything. It took half an hour to circle the rink 4 times. He fell a total of 6 times, but most of those were in the first 5 minutes. I had a pretty good time, and I laughed a lot!

On the bus on my way home I saw a muslim lady who I'm pretty sure was breastfeeding her baby. I have no problem with breastfeeding in public - I fully plan on it myself someday if need be - but I was really surprised to see a muslim doing that. She can't uncover her head but she can whip out a boob on the bus? How weird is that? I guess it's somewhat similar to the Amish, not being allowed to have phones of their own but then using ours every single day. Interesting.

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