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Princess Jazz: February 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006 

Wanna hear something CRAZY?

.... we had an earthquake last night. A friggin earthquake. In Canada. I didn't know that was a possibility. I thought earthquakes only hit Asia and California. Apparently I was wrong. Our earthquake was a 4.5. We only felt it for about 10 seconds but I guess elsewhere it was stronger and lasted about 40 seconds. They say there might be more. We were talking about it at work today and one of my coworkers has a strng african accent (most of my coworkers do) and I couldn't tell what he was saying. To me it sounded like "hotquick" but apparently he was saying "earthquake." : )

Friday, February 24, 2006 

: ) <---Happy Face

Todd and I went home for a few days. Our trip started off rough - the bus we were supposed to catch at 12:30 was full and a second one didn't come so we had to wait at the bus station until 7:00 am. I slept for about 2 hours on a concrete floor. Not so much fun. But after that everything was great.

We saw Todd's family, we saw my family, we went to our old church, I went to the Embassy and saw a bunch of my friends (watch for me on Speaker's Corner this week guys!), I slept over at my sister's place, visited my Albanian friends, and went out for lunch with my girls. That's a lot of stuff for 5 days! Plus I knitted a pair of purple legwarmers.

It was awesome to chill with my girls. I even saw Becci who I haven't seen in forever! We had lunch and went shopping, and saw a female convict come into Old Navy wearing an orange jumpsuit and escorted by a police officer. Apparently she had tried to "rob the crap out of the store" earlier that day.

Other happy things: Todd gave me the Pride & Prejudice soundtrack and the special edition Aladdin 2 dvd set for Valentine's day.
Also happy: Pride & Prejudice comes out on dvd next Tuesday!

Saturday, February 11, 2006 

Phone Calls

I read a book called Phone Calls once. The entire book was just phone conversations. I just remembered that as I typed that title.

I was on the phone a lot. I talked to Bre, Debra, & Manjola. I called Kris, and I called work about 4 times. I talked to a customer service person at Rogers. I was on the phone more today than in the past month. I don't know why I don't call my friends more often. I complain about feeling isolated here but I don't ever pick up the phone and call people. I should change that.

I baked lemon meringue pie tonight. It was good. I also cooked stirfry. Also good. I really like cooking with ginger.

Tomorrow we're going to Winterlude with some friends (hopefully). I'm excited about that.

I'm done knitting all my scarf swap squares (did I write about that already?) and will be mailing them out soon. I'll try to remember to take pictures of them before I send them.

I knitting almost all of a mini-sweater today. It's purple and very soft. I'll post pictures when it's done.

I'm tired now so I think it's bedtime.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006 

4 Things Meme

I don't know what "meme" actually means, but I know it's like those email surveys we used to send out in highschool. Except that it's circulated through blogs instead of email. Here is the Four Things Meme: (I took it from Life in the Pink (

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Waitress - I waitressed for 5 years at a few different places. I loved it and miss it!
2. Secretary - I worked at a company that sold and installed security systems. It was alright. I did a whole lot of nothing and got bored quickly, but I'm glad I did it.
3. Cafeteria Lady - I worked in the camp kitchen/cafeteria for 2 summers. I loved being at camp, but the job was just alright.
4. Support Worker - I currently work in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. I never thought I'd find a job I liked as much as waitressing, but I have! This job rocks my world. Best job so far!

Four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Breakfast at Tiffany's - I love Audrey Hepburn.
2. Spice World - I've seen this movie approximately 40 times.
3. Remember the Titans - sooo good!
4. Peter Pan - the acted-out one that came out Christmas of 2002/3 (can't remember exactly).

Four places you have lived:
1. London, ON
2. a farm just outside of London, ON
3. Kitchener/Waterloo
4. Ottawa

Four TV shows you love to watch:
1. ER
2. 24
3. Corner Gas
4. old-school Degrassi

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Disney World
2. Chicago
3. Kenora
4. Alberta

Four websites you visit daily:
2. a million blogs. I'm not even going to list any.
3. see answer #2
4. see answer #2

Four places you'd rather be right now:
1. that farm just outside of London
2. anywhere that my friends are
3. Disney World
4. nowhere really. I like being home.

Four bloggers you are tagging: if you want this, take it. I'm not tagging anyone.

Monday, February 06, 2006 

It Got Cold

Here's proof:

Sunday, February 05, 2006 


Winterlude was supposed to start this weekend but the weather has been too warm and wet so it was cancelled for yesterday and today. That means I've spent most of my weekend off doing nothing. I went shopping yesterday, and then I went to see a movie on my own. I saw Pride & Prejudice for the second time. It's really good and I plan on reading the book. I wanted to go to the library today but the one near my apartment is closed on Sundays. I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld on dvd and knitting. Todd's at school. He has a big deadline coming up soon so he's been in the studio a lot. This evening though, I'm going to meet him at school and we'll go on to church. We missed the bus this morning (my fault) so we're going tonight instead.

That's about it. Not much of interest. Sorry guys.