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Some things I've been meaning to tell you - Princess Jazz

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Some things I've been meaning to tell you

Two little girls yelled to me through the schoolyard fence last week when I walked by during their recess "We like your scarf!" It made me smile.

I met up with an Australian guy who's mother put out a call on Craftster (see link on right) for someone to take him yarn shopping for her. He's here working on his PhD and she wants some Canadian yarn and other crafting supplies. That was random and pretty cool.

I got $20 in the mail the other day as a birthday gift from my cousins. I'm going to go use it to buy myself some nice yarn tomorrow.

I threw out a pair of Todd's underwear tonight. That was a first.

I fell twice walking home from work today. The sidewalks are pure ice (unless they're puddles.) I managed to slip on ice and fall in a puddle and fill my rubber boot with water. That was cold.

I did 6 loads of laundry tonight. It is all folded and put away.

I've been stashbusting like mad and have knitted a lot. I made a baby sweater for my friend Aida but can't finish it until I know whether she had a boy or a girl. I should call and find out. Or if anyone happens to know (which I doubt) let me know in the comments.

That's it.

Oh yeah - I'm 23 now.

Happy birthday!!!!!1!!111!!!

one year older... one year wiser?
I don't wanna celebrate my birthday this year.
let's fly to never never land, okay?

Happiest of belated happy birthdays to you!

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