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Spiderman - Princess Jazz

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I skipped out of class early tonight so I could work on my paper at home, and as I was alking across campus I saw the weirdest thing. Spiderman was running around shooting people with webs from his wrist. True story. There was a guy dressed in full spiderman gear complete with tights and face-mask, who was shooting something (probably water?) out of spidey-gloves.
Very strange, and yet very cool. University is a crazy place with some very crazy people. It's reassuring to know that we have superheros looking out for us.

Where on campus did you see Spider-Man? I wanna see him. I could use some entertainment.
For your links, you should link... ME (ha ha ha I'm just joking, but I linked you so :-P)

P.S. I seriously not expecting you to link me. I've got an 18+ warning so... yeah.

P.P.S. Jasmine, you should knit THIS!!!!! Why? Because I think it's great.

Hey Jen,

I was thinking of knitting that. I wanted to make one for my randma because she doesn't have a womb (she had a hysterectomy years ago) but I don't know what she'd think of it. :)

Oh I forgot to answer your question - Spiderman was running towrds St. Paul's.

Hey Jasmine!

Hmm... there are some strange folk running around campus these days. I would've *liked* to see Spider-Man running around campus, but instead saw a cave man with a bunch of groupies heading into PAS. No joke. I was coming out of my tutorial for PSYCH 292.

I would have loved to see the caveman. That sounds hilarious!

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