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Starstruck - Princess Jazz

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Saturday, April 29, 2006


Thanks to Danielle I figured out the comments problem and it's all fixed now so your comments should all be showing up. When I was going through the comments I realized that Cyn from has been reading this. I felt sort of like I had met a celebrity. I've been reading her stuff for a few years now and she's smart and witty and funny and she knits and I didn't think she'd stop by here so that was pretty cool.

I had kind of a rough night at work last night. I'm very glad to have the weekend off. Hopefully we do some cool stuff. I've been wanting to buy a ball for a while and I think I'll get one today. I have a whole list of toys that I want: a hula hoop, a ball, a skipping rope, and I just bought a kite. I actually bought a skipping rope already but it's a bit short so I need a new one. I can't skip in my apartment because we have crazy people living under us so I was skipping at work last night. I suck pretty badly and need to practise.

I'm never really sure hwo to end these posts. They always seem sort of lame and half-done.

Thanks! Your knitting has inspired several of my projects.

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