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Saturday, June 24, 2006


I'm posting from work. It's almost 6am. I've been here since 2 pm yesterday. It has been a long day.

To start off, we were short staffed last night, and just the way the evening went I felt as though I did the bulk of the work (not really anyone's fault - shifts just go like that sometimes) so I was already tired. One of the guys was having a rough evening so there was quite the commotion in the house and I was lucky enough to be the one where his anger was directed (no I didn't get hurt, just yelled at a lot). Then one of our night awake staff called in sick. I called every single person who could possibly work (even one guy who's getting married today - just joking of course) but no luck. So I stayed. Technically I was doing a night sleep shift but I have now learned that a night sleep shift does not involve a whole lot of sleeping. Everytime a guy got up to use the bathroom (which is a lot) I woke up. Plus I was sleeping on a couch in an unfamiliar place without my normal blankets, and no nice husband to keep me company so you can probably guess how well I slept.

I'll be happy to get home. But I was glad to be able to cover the shift. Stuff like this comes up fairly often and our team always pulls together and gets shifts covered. I haven't been able to be a part of that yet at this house so now I feel just a bit more established on the team. Silly I know.

Todd and I may go look at couches today. We pretty much hate ours. It was like $50 bucks at a garage sale and we have a somewhat sketchy slipcover on it that takes a ton of work to keep straight. I also want to look at paint to maybe paint our bedroom.

Sorry this isn't a more interesting post - my brain is a little fried. If I could write more about work I could have you all very well entertained but there's this whole confidentiality thing and it really would not be fair to the guys I support if I were to share their life stories on the internet. They are awesome though and I have so much fun working here. The other day I was patted on the head like a little girl (or a puppy) by one of the nonverbal guys. I'm not sure what he was trying to tell me but it was cute and I felt a bit special. :)

K. That's it. Bye

if u get a new couch get one long enough for me to sleep on

How did Couch hunting go? I'm glad you felt that you could help out the "team" even tho' I already think of you as an intrigal part of the team! Happy Monday!


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