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Audrey - Princess Jazz

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Saturday, October 28, 2006


Audrey Hepburn is my favourite actress ever. She's beautiful and funny and cute and classy. My favourite movie of hers is Breakfast At Tiffany's in which she plays a high class call girl who is in love with a writer/gigolo (from what I can tell, given that the movie was made in 1961 they are very vague on what these peoples' occupations actually are.) I first watched this movie in grade 8 at a sleepover with a bunch of girls who I'm not really in touch with any more (except for you Becci) and I've seen it countless times since. All of this is why it was perfect when Todd brought me back a matted print of this movie poster from New York, where the movie takes place. What a perfect souvenir! And to make it even better, today he bought me the Audrey Hepburn dvd collection with Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday, and Sabrina. I eventually want to see all of Audrey's movies. If you haven't seen any go out and rent one (well at least the girls who read this, guys - these probably aren't your type of thing but you could rent one to impress a girl.) That's my advice for the evening, watch some Audrey. She's a darling.

I love love love Sabrina. the remake version is pretty bad.

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