Really long survey thing.
Series One - The Basics
Name: Jasmine
Birthdate: March 10, 1983
Birthplace: London, Ontario.
Current Location: Waterloo, Ontario.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown I guess (although I wish it were something much more fun!)
Righty or Lefty: Right
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Series Two - Describe
Your heritage: German
The shoes you wore today: Boots
Your hair: Clean! and in a braid
Your eyes: Wearing green mascara and crappy Quo brand mascara. Girls, listen to me carefully - do not buy Quo products. They're garbage.
Fears: crocodiles and alligators. (I detest them!!)
Your perfect pizza: Feta cheese, red onions, tomatoes. Lots of sauce and not much mozzarella.
One thing you'd like to achieve: Have children
Series Three - What is
Your most overused phrase in MSN: haha
Your thoughts first waking up: I always have 2 thoughts simultaneously: "what time is it?" and "what's my blood sugar at?" Always at the exact same moment.
The first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: the way they smell
Your usual bedtime: late. 2 is a good time to go to bed.
Your greatest accomplishment: falling in love.
Your best memory: That day in Niagara Falls with Todd. We sat and had a picnic. I have a picture of it and that's probably one of my best memories. I don't know though, there have been so many awesome times in my life so far.
Series Five - Do You
Smoke: never even tried it
Swear: very extremely rarely. When I do, it's almost always a joke.
Sing well: I think so, but you'd have to ask someone you has heard me to know for sure.
Take a shower everyday: not usually, but lately yes because my house is so freezing cold it's the only way to get warm.
Want to get married: Yes! I'm getting married this summer.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: never
Believe in yourself: yes. I have pretty stable self-confidence.
Get motion sickness: all the friggin time.
Get along with your parents: yeah, we're tight.
Like thunderstorms: I love them!
Play an instrument: I used to play French Horn, but no more.
Series Six - In The Past Month, Did/Have You
Drank alcohol: I've tried it but I pretty much avoid it.
Done a drug: Insulin :)
Go on a date: I have/had a phone date tonight but I'm waiting for Todd's room mate to get off the phone so we can continue our date.
Go to the mall: I don't think so.
Been on stage: no, unless Karaoke counts. But that wasn't really a stage.
Been dumped: Nope.
Gone skating: No, but I wish I had.
Made homemade cookies: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: never have.
Dyed your hair: I streaked it to get rid of my roots.
Stolen anything: not that I can think of.
Series Seven - The Future
Age you hope to be married: This summer! (sop, 22)
Numbers and Names of Children: 4 (or 6); Alexis, Julius, Theodore, Isabelle, but these are still very much up for debate!
Describe your Dream Wedding: White and green, reception at my farm. If you really want to know more, just ask me. I'm in the midst of planning it all right now.
What age do you want to die: I don't really care.
What do you want to be when you grow up: a mom.
What country would you most like to visit: I have no desire to travel, but if I did, I'd like to go to maybe India or Greece (and then I could go to Albania.)
Series Eight - The Present
Current Clothes: jeans, a sweater, a Care Bear t-shirt, socks, and undergarments. Sorry, nothing interesting today. ;)
Current Mood: Sympathetic - my mom's telling me a really sad story on the phone.
Current Taste: residual cake frosting
Current Hair: in a loose braid
Current Smell: cupcakes
Current thing you ought to be doing: talking to Todd, but his room mate is still on the phone.
Current Desktop Picture: a scene from Peter Pan
Current Worry: nothing really
*5 Things You Are Wearing*
1. Socks
2. Cheap Stitches jeans that I bought to console myself 2 years ago.
3. a lime green sweater
4. a Care Bear t-shirt
5. undergarments
*5 Things You Can See*
1. my carousel painting
2. random junk
3. manicure kit
4. many many picture frames
5. a huge pile of blankets
*5 Things You Are Doing Right Now*
1. Talking to my mom
2. Chatting online with Todd and Justin
3. Freezing
4. Listening to delirious
5. Wishing someone would crack my back for me.
*5 Things You Ate In The Last 24 Hours*
1. Cookies (for dinner)
2. Chips
3. Peach Yogurt
4. Bagels
5. Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Sidekicks with Tuna
*5 Things You Did So Far Today*
1. Went to my Cults class
2. baked cupcakes
3. had tea with Tanya
4. read boring textbooks
5. talked to Todd
*5 Things You Can Hear Right Now*
1. Todd
2. Delirious
3. Phone fuzz
4. My computer
5. Cynthia moving things around
*5 Colors You Can See*
1. Black
2. Silver
3. Lime green
4. Gold
5. Pink
*5 Thoughts In Your Head*
1. I miss Todd, and cuddling.
2. I think my sugar is low.
3. My vision is going weird.
4. I'm so blessed that both my parents are alive and relatively healthy.
5. I make way too many typos.
*5 People That Rock*
1. Jesus/God
2. Todd
3. my homegirls
4. Justin
5. Tanya (note that these are not really in an order, and there are many many many more people that I wish I could list)
Name: Jasmine
Birthdate: March 10, 1983
Birthplace: London, Ontario.
Current Location: Waterloo, Ontario.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown I guess (although I wish it were something much more fun!)
Righty or Lefty: Right
Innie or Outtie: Innie
Series Two - Describe
Your heritage: German
The shoes you wore today: Boots
Your hair: Clean! and in a braid
Your eyes: Wearing green mascara and crappy Quo brand mascara. Girls, listen to me carefully - do not buy Quo products. They're garbage.
Fears: crocodiles and alligators. (I detest them!!)
Your perfect pizza: Feta cheese, red onions, tomatoes. Lots of sauce and not much mozzarella.
One thing you'd like to achieve: Have children
Series Three - What is
Your most overused phrase in MSN: haha
Your thoughts first waking up: I always have 2 thoughts simultaneously: "what time is it?" and "what's my blood sugar at?" Always at the exact same moment.
The first feature you notice in the opposite (or same) sex: the way they smell
Your usual bedtime: late. 2 is a good time to go to bed.
Your greatest accomplishment: falling in love.
Your best memory: That day in Niagara Falls with Todd. We sat and had a picnic. I have a picture of it and that's probably one of my best memories. I don't know though, there have been so many awesome times in my life so far.
Series Five - Do You
Smoke: never even tried it
Swear: very extremely rarely. When I do, it's almost always a joke.
Sing well: I think so, but you'd have to ask someone you has heard me to know for sure.
Take a shower everyday: not usually, but lately yes because my house is so freezing cold it's the only way to get warm.
Want to get married: Yes! I'm getting married this summer.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: never
Believe in yourself: yes. I have pretty stable self-confidence.
Get motion sickness: all the friggin time.
Get along with your parents: yeah, we're tight.
Like thunderstorms: I love them!
Play an instrument: I used to play French Horn, but no more.
Series Six - In The Past Month, Did/Have You
Drank alcohol: I've tried it but I pretty much avoid it.
Done a drug: Insulin :)
Go on a date: I have/had a phone date tonight but I'm waiting for Todd's room mate to get off the phone so we can continue our date.
Go to the mall: I don't think so.
Been on stage: no, unless Karaoke counts. But that wasn't really a stage.
Been dumped: Nope.
Gone skating: No, but I wish I had.
Made homemade cookies: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: never have.
Dyed your hair: I streaked it to get rid of my roots.
Stolen anything: not that I can think of.
Series Seven - The Future
Age you hope to be married: This summer! (sop, 22)
Numbers and Names of Children: 4 (or 6); Alexis, Julius, Theodore, Isabelle, but these are still very much up for debate!
Describe your Dream Wedding: White and green, reception at my farm. If you really want to know more, just ask me. I'm in the midst of planning it all right now.
What age do you want to die: I don't really care.
What do you want to be when you grow up: a mom.
What country would you most like to visit: I have no desire to travel, but if I did, I'd like to go to maybe India or Greece (and then I could go to Albania.)
Series Eight - The Present
Current Clothes: jeans, a sweater, a Care Bear t-shirt, socks, and undergarments. Sorry, nothing interesting today. ;)
Current Mood: Sympathetic - my mom's telling me a really sad story on the phone.
Current Taste: residual cake frosting
Current Hair: in a loose braid
Current Smell: cupcakes
Current thing you ought to be doing: talking to Todd, but his room mate is still on the phone.
Current Desktop Picture: a scene from Peter Pan
Current Worry: nothing really
*5 Things You Are Wearing*
1. Socks
2. Cheap Stitches jeans that I bought to console myself 2 years ago.
3. a lime green sweater
4. a Care Bear t-shirt
5. undergarments
*5 Things You Can See*
1. my carousel painting
2. random junk
3. manicure kit
4. many many picture frames
5. a huge pile of blankets
*5 Things You Are Doing Right Now*
1. Talking to my mom
2. Chatting online with Todd and Justin
3. Freezing
4. Listening to delirious
5. Wishing someone would crack my back for me.
*5 Things You Ate In The Last 24 Hours*
1. Cookies (for dinner)
2. Chips
3. Peach Yogurt
4. Bagels
5. Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Sidekicks with Tuna
*5 Things You Did So Far Today*
1. Went to my Cults class
2. baked cupcakes
3. had tea with Tanya
4. read boring textbooks
5. talked to Todd
*5 Things You Can Hear Right Now*
1. Todd
2. Delirious
3. Phone fuzz
4. My computer
5. Cynthia moving things around
*5 Colors You Can See*
1. Black
2. Silver
3. Lime green
4. Gold
5. Pink
*5 Thoughts In Your Head*
1. I miss Todd, and cuddling.
2. I think my sugar is low.
3. My vision is going weird.
4. I'm so blessed that both my parents are alive and relatively healthy.
5. I make way too many typos.
*5 People That Rock*
1. Jesus/God
2. Todd
3. my homegirls
4. Justin
5. Tanya (note that these are not really in an order, and there are many many many more people that I wish I could list)
Some remarks:
- I'm still confused about "Innie or Outtie." Perhaps some clarification? :(
- I don't think we should ever split a pizza, unless they can go halvsies on the toppings.
- No greatest accomplishment?
- You sing very well.
- You did steal something: this! And my cell phone! And other things, I'm sure.
- I was right in thinking that the conversation with your mom was on the sombre side.. +1 for Justin.
- The Glade Plug-in was a part of my answer, and not another question, silly! :)
- Awww I made it on your list! I'm flattered. ;)
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:41 AM, March 24, 2005
haha, i fixed the glade plug-in thing, and the greatest accomplishment. thanks for pointing out my errors! :P Thanks also for the compliment regarding my singing. and as for the list of cool people - i made your list so i needed to reciproicate! (plus, you are just that cool) ;)
Posted by
Jasmine |
2:00 AM, March 24, 2005
I wonder what would have happened if things were bizarro and you were somehow omitted from my list..
And you didn't fix the stealing thing!
And you're very welcome! :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:50 AM, March 24, 2005
Jazz, if you want to make your hair fun colours, you know who to call on.
i.e. ME!
I have pink, purple and red sitting here... all semi-permanent so they'd be completely 100% gone in about 3 weeks to a month.
Are ya tempted?
Plus, you can buy 'em for cheap (9$) at the beauty supply outlet in Univ Plaza.
Are you tempted now? : p
Posted by
JeN |
4:35 PM, March 24, 2005