One More Thought
Jessibeth chewed into my insulin pump tubing today. So... she may have gotten insulin in her and I may have gotten guinea pig saliva in me. Hopefully we both survive. I'll let you know how it turns out. :D
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I'm sure you'll both be fine. Silly small animals and their incessant need to chew.
Once Pfeffer chewed through my phone cable... while I was ON the phone! It was so annoying at the time, but now I think it's actually pretty funny (even though phone cables cost more than I thought).
Posted by JeN | 2:40 PM, November 18, 2006
dear princess jasmine,
how are you?! it's been long since i've talked to you! :( how is everything? i talked to becky on msn tonight and she said she had seen you recently and that you're doing well. things are good here, i'm in rome for a school term and then i'm off to visit byron in tanzania for christmas! won't be a white christmas, but at least i'll be with him for once! well, i hope all is well with you. ciao bella! erica
Posted by Anonymous | 4:34 PM, November 19, 2006